Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ewing Speaks!

The Garden used to be his house
Last night, Patrick Ewing weighed in on the current state of the Knicks, as well as Dwight Howard's impending free agency...

On the Knicks:
"New York hasn't had two bona fide superstars since Willis (Reed) and Earl (Monroe) and Clyde (Frazier). Those guys (Stoudemire and Anthony) are bona fide superstars."

Now it's theirs
"Everybody kept talking about him [Chauncey Billups] as a throw in. People overlooked him when he first started. He's played great games. He's won championships."

On Howard:
"He's staying in Orlando. He ain't going nowhere. I told him if he's going anywhere, I'm chopping his legs off."

It's been awhile since I had the joy of seeing Patrick Ewing talk to reporters. The last time I remember seeing Ewing besides pointing him out on the Magic bench to my dad, his name was Patrick Chewing.

1 comment:

  1. The Knicks play a ridiculous 18 games in March, which should be very entertaining, but will take away from potential practice time to get the team on the same page. The good thing about all the games is it will give them a chance to get the bad taste of a loss out of their mouths quickly aka tonight against the Hornets.

    A ton of games will also help us as fans evaluate the team with more precision. After the Cavs loss I got worried, after the Heat win I was estatic, and now after the Magic loss I'm not sure whether to think we are championship contenders or one and dones in the playoff.

    It is weird to be rooting for a team with high expectations and aspirations again. I find myself making sure that I can tune into every game, and back like in the old days of the 90s, I find myself despising stars on other teams when they do well against us such as Howard last night. I didn't realize how much I missed the good old days of hating players such as Reggie, Jordan, Tim Hardaway, Mourning, PJ Brown, Mashburn (you get the point, the whole Heat team in the late 90s).
