Tuesday, April 23, 2013

FINAL: Knicks 87, Celtics 71. Knicks up 2-0!

The Knicks are up 2-0!

Box Score from tonight's wonderful game

Some quick thoughts:

- According to the committee in my brain that determines my thoughts, Carmelo Anthony CAN be the best player on a championship-caliber team. **Note the use of the word "caliber" there.**

Paul Pierce without his headband
-The Celtics are like old, slow turtles right now, what with their green uniforms and inability to run very fast. Paul Pierce really accentuated this look during a brief time period in the third quarter when he wasn't wearing a headband.

-Tyson Chandler can be all the "this is the best I've felt in a long time"'s that he wants (I've enlarged the apostrophe because at regular size that was a puzzling punctuation to read), but he's not quite there. I'm suspicious that he's going to have surgery this off-season which will be awkwardly explained away as unimportant by the Knicks.

And on that night, pipe was laid
- MSG needs to show J.R. some lovin' in the form of "J.R. Smith, J.R. Smith!" chants for two reasons: one, to congratulate the man on his 6th man of the year and thus-far playoff dominance, and two, to make sure he's not going anywhere next year when people can start offering him POISON PILL contracts. (Cue tears about Jeremy Lin. Then, cue video of the OKC vs. Rockets game one which subsequently cues tears to cease.)

- Felton is living up to his potential as someone who can seriously affect this series. If he keeps successfully driving through pick and rolls and getting lay-ups to fall then the Knicks will be tough to beat.
Rollin', much like like Limp Bizkit

- Kenyon Martin affects every play when he is on the court. Whether he's boxing out KG to keep him away from the play, or setting an off-the-ball screen that ends in a ferocious dunk/backboard slap, he makes a major impact at all times. He was a HUGE pickup and his ankle best stay healthy.

- Medical Suggestion for Kenyon Martin: RICE = Rest, Ice Compression, Elevation. So much RICE is in order.

- Amar'e was looking good with his purple tie. Keep looking good, Amar'e!

The Celtics aren't dead, not yet. But they are showing their age and could really use a true point guard. They'll win one in Boston, for America, but the Knicks will wrap the series up in five rather easily.


  1. So you're saying between the pregame ceremony for his 6th man award, the standing ovation when he checked in for the first time 3 minutes into the game and the standing ovation when he hit the 3 pointer to end the first quarter we didn't show JR enough love?

    1. I'm not calling out Knicks fans for not showing J.R. love because they've certainly showered him with love. I just want that chant, specifically.

  2. c's are done for the simple reason that pablo's presence looms on the bench, he'll be back...rookie of the year

  3. Pablo started last night! And almost had a sneaky steal on Avery Bradley. He also missed a free throw and passed up on shooting a bunch of times when he was decently open. I don't remember much else off hand.
